Time To Die, Motherfuckers

Stark sollst du sein, hart musst du sein, hart wird es wer­den, nur so kommst du: empor, empor! Ein Blick auf moder­ne Sportfreizeit.

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Anni­ka Sehn & Jonas Spriestersbach
Kanada/Deutschland 2016, 15’, Doku­men­tar­film, Französisch/Englisch mit eng­li­schen UT, NRW-Premiere


Anni­ka Sehn was born in 1988 and com­ple­ted the Bache­lor of Arts in Film Stu­dies and Musi­co­lo­gy at Free Uni­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin from 2007–2012. Bes­i­des she did seve­ral intern­ships at ger­man TV broad­cast sta­ti­ons like arte, Sat.1 and SWR. 2009 she left for a year abroad in Tur­key, stu­di­ed at Bil­gi Uni­ver­si­ty Istan­bul, depart­ment Film/Television and gai­ned working expe­ri­ence at Öte­ki Film Istan­bul assis­ting in docu­men­ta­ries and adver­tis­ments.

Jonas Spries­ters­bach was born in 1982 in Ham­burg. He studied
psy­cho­lo­gy and art histo­ry befo­re atten­ding the uni­ver­si­ty of arts in
Kas­sel to stu­dy visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. From 2008 on he spe­ci­fied in
cine­ma­to­gra­phy at the uni­ver­si­ty of film and tele­vi­si­on in Munich. As
a cine­ma­to­grapher he has shot more than 30 short and some
fea­ture-lenght films sin­ce then.