Ero­di­um Thunk

The film was made spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for a group show in Vien­na (cura­ted by Clint Enns and Madi Pil­ler) titled From A to Z, that reflects on Miche­al Snow’s 1956 ani­ma­ted film of the same name, and his mul­ti­pli­ci­ty of approa­ches which fluid­ly tran­si­ti­on bet­ween media and form.  It is an end­less bar­ra­ge of hyper­lin­ked cable tele­vi­si­on com­mer­cials. With equal doses of sati­re and nost­al­gia, the pro­mi­sed plea­su­res of late con­su­mer capi­ta­lism are decon­s­truc­ted through a con­tem­po­ra­ry form of détournement.

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Win­s­ton Hacking

Kana­da 2018, 3’, Expe­ri­men­tal­film, ohne Dia­lo­ge, Deutschlandpremiere

Musik: Andrew Zukerman


2018 — L’E­stran­ge Film Fes­ti­val, Paris, France
2018 — Gim­li Film Fes­ti­val, Gim­li, Manitoba
2018 — Blick­le Kino at Bel­ve­de­re 21, Vien­na, Austria


Win­s­ton Hack­ing is a moving image artist ori­gi­nal­ly from Peter­bo­rough, Onta­rio. His work often com­bi­nes found foo­ta­ge, col­la­ge, green screen and pup­pe­tee­ring. Hacking’s work is eco­no­mic­al, both in terms of his use of found mate­ri­als and the tech­ni­ques used. Despi­te his thrif­ty approach, his works are daedal due to his abili­ty to trans­form the mun­da­ne into the sub­li­me through crea­ti­ve re-contextualization.


2017 Fly­ing Lotus — Post Requi­si­te (Music Video)
2016 Andy Shauf — The Magi­ci­an (Music Video)
2015 The Soup­cans — Sia­me­se Bru­ta­li­ty (Music Video)
2014 The Public Slaw (35mm Short)