Rosso Papa­vero

In einer Ster­nen­nacht sieht ein klei­ner Jun­ge mit dem Kopf voll Fan­ta­sien eine traum­haf­te Zir­kus­vor­stel­lung. Berauscht von zahl­lo­sen glit­zern­den Attrak­tio­nen, muss er fest­stel­len, dass der Ein­tritt zu teu­er ist und das Tor zwi­schen Traum und Wirk­lich­keit sich zu schlie­ßen beginnt.

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Mar­tin Smatana

Slo­wa­kei 2014, 5′30″, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge

Buch: Iva­na Sujová
Musik: A. Saun­ders und M. Cou­sins, L. Dury, L. Ros­si, P. Hart und D. Arnold, J. Denon und M. Vickerage
Ton: Adam Kuchta
Pro­duk­ti­on: FTF VSMU


WAC 2015 — World Ani­ma­ti­on Cele­bra­ti­on Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val , Cul­ver City, Cali­for­nia, USA( 24 – 25 Octo­ber, 2015) Stu­dent Film Cate­go­ry Com­pe­ti­ti­on Ani­ma­ti­on Liba­ti­on Stu­di­os and Ani­ma­ti­on Maga­zi­ne Award

LOCO­MO­CIÓN 2015, Mexi­co City D.C., Mexi­co ( 5–7 Novem­ber, 2015) — Ludo­tech­ni­que Crea­ti­ve Trig­ger Award

26th Slo­vak Film Pri­ze IGRIC 2015 — Annu­al pri­zes of the Slo­vak Film Asso­cia­ti­on, Uni­on of the TV Aut­hors and Lite­ra­tu­re Fund for audio­vi­su­al works 2014 — 24th Sep­tem­ber, 2015 Bonus Awards for Crea­ti­ve Work

Expo­toons – 9th Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Fest , Bue­nos Aires, Argen­ti­na ( 03. – 06. 9., 2015): 2nd Mention


Mar­tin was born in 1991 in Zili­na, Slo­va­kia. Sin­ce 2011, he has been stu­dy­ing Ani­ma­ti­on at the Aca­de­my of Per­forming Arts in Bra­tis­la­va. In 2012, he was on a working resi­dence in NUKU­FILM STU­DIO in Tal­linn, Esto­nia. Sin­ce 2013, he has been working as a lec­tu­rer of ani­ma­ti­on at a Pri­va­te Art School LADON in Bra­tis­la­va. In Sep­tem­ber 2014 he finis­hed his debut short pup­pet film Rosso Papavero.


2018 The Kite