Ein junger Hirsch – ohne beeindruckendes Geweih – weiß genau, dass er herrliche Musik erfinden muss, wenn er in der Paarungszeit eine Chance haben will.
Ned Wenlock
Neuseeland 2016, 5’30’’, Animationsfilm, ohne Dialoge, NRW-Premiere
Buch: Ned Wenlock and Chris Brandon
Musik: Ben Sinclair
Ton: Tim Prebble
Produktion: Georgiana Plaister
Ned Wenlock has been directing animation for 15 years and is best known for his distinct and inventive 2D animation style. He has worked across both the advertising and music video worlds, creating animations for MGMT, Honda, McDonalds and many more.
His Apache video for the band Danger Beach was a finalist in the 2012 Vimeo Awards.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oneedostudio/
Website: http://www.oneedo.com
Email: ned@oneedo.com