Hair Wolf

Ein schwar­zer Fri­seur­sa­lon im bei­na­he durch­ge­n­tri­fi­zier­ten Brook­lyn. Die Ein­woh­ner kämp­fen gegen ein selt­sa­mes neu­es Mons­ter: wei­ße Frau­en, die der schwar­zen Kul­tur das Blut aus­sau­gen wollen.

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Maria­ma Diallo

USA 2018, 12′, Spiel­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT, NRW-Premiere

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Char­lot­te Hornsby
Mon­ta­ge: Kristan Sprague
Musik: Ari­el Marx
Ton: Ryan Billia
Pro­duk­ti­on: Vale­rie Steinberg


Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val, Jury Award for US Fic­tion short film
Ame­ri­can Black Film Fes­ti­val, HBO shorts com­pe­ti­ti­on finalist
SXSW, Film Festival
BFI Lon­don Film Festival


Maria­ma Dial­lo is a wri­ter and film­ma­ker who lives in Brook­lyn, New York. Her film Hair Wolf won the 2018 Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val Jury Award for U.S. Fic­tion short film. Mariama’s pre­vious work includes the short film Sketch, which ear­ned her the Fox Inclu­si­on Emer­ging Artist Award at the 2017 Black­Star Film Fes­ti­val. Along with direc­tor Fran­ces Bodo­mo, Maria­ma co-wro­te Ever­y­bo­dy Dies!, which for­med part of the Collective:Unconscious omni­bus fea­ture that pre­mie­red at the 2016 SXSW Film Fes­ti­val. Maria­ma was also a wri­ter and direc­tor on Terence Nance’s cri­ti­cal­ly lau­ded HBO series, “Ran­dom Acts of Flyness.”


2018 Hair Wolf
2017 Sketch