Solar Walk

“Solar Walk” zeigt die Rei­se Ein­zel­ner und ihrer Schöp­fun­gen durch Zeit und Raum. Hand­lung ist nur bedeu­tend aus Sicht der Ein­zel­nen, aber nicht unbe­dingt aus Sicht des Son­nen­sys­tems. Es geht um die Melan­cho­lie, die dar­in liegt, Cha­os als schön und kos­misch zu begrei­fen. Die Lei­den­schaft für das Schöp­fe­ri­sche zeigt sich an der ein­zig­ar­ti­gen, ver­spiel­ten Struk­tur der Ani­ma­ti­on selbst.

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Réka Bucsi

Däne­mark 2018, 21′, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, ohne Dialoge

Musik: Mads Vadsholt
Ton: Péter Ben­já­min Lukács


Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, 2018, Audi Short Film Award
Indie Lis­boa, 2018, Short Film Grand Prize
Flat­pack Film Fes­ti­val, 2018, Best Short Film Award
ANI­M­ANI­MA Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val, 2018, Grand Prix


Réka Bucsi (1988) is a hun­ga­ri­an inde­pen­dent ani­ma­ti­on film­ma­ker. She recei­ved her BFA and MFA at the ani­ma­ti­on depart­ment of Moho­ly-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design Buda­pest. Her gra­dua­ti­on film Sym­pho­ny no. 42 got Short­lis­ted for the 87th Aca­de­my Awards. Her films were scree­ned at offi­ci­al shorts com­pe­ti­ti­on Ber­li­na­le, SXSW, Sun­dance, Anne­cy, and won over 50 inter­na­tio­nal awards. 2013/2014 she atten­ded Ani­ma­ti­on Sans Fron­tié­res (ASF), the Euro­pean Ani­ma­ti­on Pro­duc­tion Work­shop. She was an artists in resi­dence at the Open Work­shop in Viborg, Den­mark, and at Q21 in Vien­na, Aus­tria. Her french co-pro­du­ced short film LOVE was nomi­na­ted for the Euro­pean Film Awards 2017, and short­lis­ted for the César Award 2018. Réka is repre­sen­ted as a direc­tor by Pas­si­on Pictures.



2018 Solar Walk
2016 Don’t Know Whe­re Going
2016 LOVE
2014 Sym­pho­ny no. 42