Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes is a sur­re­al, tra­gi­co­me­dy in vir­tu­al rea­li­ty about how a dys­func­tion­al fami­ly hand­les the dying wish of their grand­fa­ther. Seen through the ‘eyes’ of the decea­sed –the urn con­tai­ning the ashes–this ele­ven minu­te VR film gives a uni­que point of view on a bizar­re set of fami­ly rela­ti­onships that are rea­dy to blow up. We wit­ness how each fami­ly mem­ber drops their pre­ten­ces to reve­al the full ext­ent of their disho­nes­ty. The sce­nes appear to take place on a movie set, as dif­fe­rent levels of rea­li­ty unveil. Mean­while, the youn­gest mem­ber of the fami­ly, Fie, says good­bye to her grand­fa­ther in her own way. Ulti­m­ate­ly, Ashes to Ashes is about choo­sing your own rea­li­ty, your ima­gi­na­ti­on, your world.

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Inge­jan Ligt­hart Schenk, Jamil­le van Wijn­gaar­den, Steye Hallema

Nie­der­lan­de 2017, 11’, Spiel­film, Englisch

Buch: Anne Barnhoorn

Bild­ge­stal­tung: Peter McLaughlin

Pro­duk­ti­on: Ben­ja­min De Wit & Sub­ma­ri­ne Channel


Sub­ma­ri­ne Chan­nel explo­res the nar­ra­ti­ve pos­si­bi­li­ties of new and emer­ging gen­res such as the inter­ac­ti­ve docu­men­ta­ry, the inter­ac­ti­ve gra­phic novel, trans­me­dia sto­rytel­ling, and vir­tu­al rea­li­ty. The chan­nel dif­fu­ses this new-found know­ledge to inter­na­tio­nal audi­en­ces, using diver­se plat­forms to do so.


Mail: Cori­ne Mei­jers,
