
An Emer­gen­cy Ser­vices Ope­ra­tor in a Fire Con­trol Room has just star­ted a long night shift when she picks up a call from a despe­ra­te young mother. An hour pre­vious­ly, Gem­ma had fal­len asleep in front of the tele­vi­si­on and has now woken to find the room full of smo­ke. Her three year old son is trap­ped in his bed­room ups­tairs. Fla­mes have star­ted to creep down the stairs that Gem­ma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s gui­dance is all that Gem­ma can rely on in order to survive.

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Caro­li­ne Bartleet

UK 2015, 6’30″, Spiel­film, Englisch

Pro­duk­ti­on: Rebec­ca Morgan
Kame­ra: Vanes­sa Whyte
Mon­ta­ge & Schnitt: Yann Heckmann


Caro­li­ne Bart­leet trai­ned as an actress at Roy­al Welsh Col­lege Of Music & Dra­ma. Sin­ce then she has pro­du­ced two short films, LAST WASH (2011) and INTRU­DER (2014). OPE­RA­TOR is Caroline’s first film as director.