Pota­to Dreams

Wes Hurley’s sur­re­al VR auto­bio­gra­phi­cal doc tells the sto­ry of Litt­le Potato’s jour­ney gro­wing up gay in the Soviet Uni­on befo­re and after the fall of com­mu­nism, his mother’s strug­gles to crea­te a bet­ter life for them both, lea­ding even­tual­ly to her beco­ming a mail order bri­de in order to insu­re their escape to America.

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Wes Hur­ley & Nathan Miller

USA 2017, 6′, Spiel­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT

Pro­duk­ti­on: Mischa Jacup­cak, Buch & Bild­ge­stal­tung: Wes Hur­ley & Nathan Mil­ler, Musik: Joshua Kohl (Dege­ne­ra­te Art Ensemble)


IDFA Ams­ter­dam, Seat­tle Int’l FF, Ame­ri­can Film Insti­tu­te, Ima­gi­ne FF, Chel­sea Film Festival


Wes Hur­ley (born Vasi­li Nau­men­ko) is a Rus­si­an-born Seat­tle-based film­ma­ker, wri­ter and actor. He wro­te, direc­ted and pro­du­ced two fea­tures — the que­er pop-art come­dy musi­cal “Fal­len Jewel” and a docu­men­ta­ry “Waxie Moon” — in addi­ti­on to over a dozen shorts. Hur­ley is also the crea­tor of the cri­ti­cal­ly-acclai­med “Capi­tol Hill” TV/web series which was pro­du­ced in part­ner­ship with Fred Hut­chin­son Can­cer Rese­arch Center.