The Ame­ri­can Bull

Fate­meh Tou­si | Iran 2019 | 15’ | Spielfilm

Im Grenz­land zum Irak betrei­ben die Dörf­ler Vieh­zucht. Der Jun­ge Saheb ver­dient sein Geld mit dem ein­zi­gen ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Bul­len. Ein poe­ti­scher Film über eine beson­de­re Freundschaft.

Mi La Do — short docu­men­ta­ry — 30 minutes
The Ame­ri­can bull — short nar­ra­ti­ve — 15 minutes

Fate­meh Tou­si was born in 1990 in Ahvaz, Iran.
2012-BA in envi­ron­ment engi­nee­ring, Ahvaz university.
She star­ted her care­er with making some docu­men­ta­ry shorts in her birth­place and after a while she beca­me a famous and suc­cessful docu­men­ta­ry film­ma­ker who was prai­sed in the most important festivals.
She was sel­ec­ted as one of the young future talents at the fajr inter­na­tio­nal film fes­ti­val 2016 and was able to attend some awe­so­me work­shops and mas­ter clas­ses during the fes­ti­val. She has also writ­ten some novels and stage plays.
Ame­ri­can bull is her first expe­ri­ence making a nar­ra­ti­ve film.

Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Song Spar­row

The Toas­ter I Used To Live In 

Ira­ni­an Bag 

Taxi is Here 


The Ame­ri­can Bull 


Moments and Forever