夜車 (Night Bus)

Joe Hsieh | Tai­wan 2020, 20′, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, Taiwanisch/Mandarin mit eng­li­schen UT, Köln-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals I

Ein Bus rast längs der Küs­te durch die Mond­nacht, als ein pani­scher Schrei die Stil­le durch­bohrt. Eine Ket­te wird gestoh­len, und es ereig­net sich ein töd­li­cher Unfall. So ent­fal­tet sich eine Geschich­te von Lie­be, Hass und Rache.


Musik: Ned Young
Ton: Tu Duu-Chih
Pro­duk­ti­on: Wan Lin Lee


Cler­mont-Fer­rand Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val / Lab Jury Spe­cial Mention
Ani­ma­fest Zagreb World Fes­ti­val of Ani­ma­ted Film / Grand Prix Best Short Film
Otta­wa Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val / Public Prize
Short Shorts Film Fes­ti­val & Asia / Audi­ence Award Asia Inter­na­tio­nal Competition


2020 Night Bus
2019 No 7 Cher­ry Lane
2014 The Present
2006 Meat Days


An inde­pen­dent Tai­wan ani­ma­ti­on direc­tor who­se works often explo­re the dark side of human natu­re and fil­led with hor­ror and sus­pen­se.   Joe has a back­ground in Fine Arts of which he com­bi­ned with his love of films to crea­te a style all his own. Joe’s films have been scree­ned and have recei­ved awards in Ani­ma­fest Zagreb, Palm Springs Short­Fest, Cler­mont-Fer­rand Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film and Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val; and his work in No 7 Cher­ry Lane has won Best Screen­play in Venice Film Festival.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Los Hue­sos (The Bones)

Los Hue­sos (The Bones) 

The Trees

The Trees

Still Pro­ces­sing

Still Pro­ces­sing

夜車 (Night Bus)

夜車 (Night Bus) 

The Owl

The Owl