Age of Sail

Set on the open oce­an in 1900, Age of Sail is the sto­ry of Wil­liam Avery (voi­ced by Ian McSha­ne), an old sail­or adrift and alo­ne in the North Atlan­tic. When Avery reluc­tant­ly res­cues Lara, who has mys­te­rious­ly fal­len over­board, he finds redemp­ti­on and hope in his dar­kest hours.

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John Kahrs

USA 2018, 12′30″, Ani­ma­ti­ons­film, Eng­lisch ohne UT

Pro­duk­ti­on: Goog­le Spot­light Sto­ries, Boat­house Stu­di­os, Musik: Scot Stafford


Vene­dig (IT) “75. Mos­tra Inter­na­zio­na­le d’Ar­te Cine­ma­to­gra­fi­ca la Bien­na­le di Vene­zia — Venice VR Competition”
Mont­re­al (CAN) “47. Mont­re­al Fes­ti­val du nou­veau ciné­ma — FNC Explo­re Win­ner Prix Immersion”
Bus­an (KOR) “BIFF Bus­an Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val — VR Competition”
Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki (GRC) “59th Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki Film Fes­ti­val — VR Competition”


John Kahrs is an Aca­de­my Award®-winning ani­ma­tor and film direc­tor. Ori­gi­nal­ly from upsta­te New York, John began his pro­fes­sio­nal care­er in ani­ma­ti­on as one of the first employees of Blue Sky Stu­di­os. In 1997, he joi­n­ed Pix­ar as an ani­ma­tor on A Bug’s Life, Toy Sto­ry 2, Mons­ters, Inc., The Incre­di­bles, and Rata­touille, among others. In 2007, John joi­n­ed Dis­ney Fea­ture Ani­ma­ti­on, super­vi­sing the ani­ma­ti­on on Tan­gled. John went on to direct acclai­med short film Paper­man, which won the Aca­de­my Award.


2013 Paper­man