
Adria­an Lok­man | Niederlande/Frankreich 2023 | 16’ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dia­lo­ge | Deutschlandpremiere
Vir­tu­al Reality

Mit dem Wind schwe­ben wir durch die Wir­ren eines ganz nor­ma­len Tags: das Leben einer Frau, gemalt von den Luft­strö­men selbst. Gerü­che, Hit­ze, Atem, natür­li­che und künst­li­che Böen machen das Unsicht­ba­re sicht­bar. Wir tau­chen ein in eine Welt ganz aus Luft.


Musik: Erik Stok
Ton: Samy Bar­det, Erik Stok, Adria­an Lok­man, Côme Jalibert
Pro­duk­ti­on: Lucid Rea­li­ties (Chloé Jar­ry), Valk Pro­duc­tions (Richard Valk)


Spe­cial Jury Pri­ze at Venice Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val (Ita­ly, 2023)

Offi­ci­al sel­ec­tion at BFI Lon­don Film Fes­ti­val (UK, 2023)

Offi­ci­al sel­ec­tion at Kaoh­si­ung Film Fes­ti­val (South Korea, 2023)

Offi­ci­al sel­ec­tion at Gen­e­va Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val (Switz­er­land, 2023)


2001: Bar­code

2012: Cha­se

2020: Time­s­hells

2019: Flow

A gra­dua­te of the Wil­lem de Koo­ning Aca­de­my in Rot­ter­dam, Adria­an Lok­man was born in Haar­lem, The Net­her­lands in 1960. His work inves­ti­ga­tes the boun­da­ries bet­ween abs­trac­tion and rea­li­ty, with the ongo­ing desi­re to invol­ve the view­er. He plays with codes, signs and icons of our time and brings them to life with an orchestra­ti­on of lights and shadows, came­ra move­ments and musi­cal com­po­si­ti­ons to crea­te rhythm and take spec­ta­tors into his vir­tu­al worlds. Flow is his first VR work.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Over The Rainbow 


Fresh Memo­ries: The Look 
