
Jorn Lee­u­wer­ink | Nie­der­lan­de 2022 | 8′ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge
Kin­der­pro­gramm 6+

Eine Grup­pe Tie­re zieht Strom aus der Steck­do­sen­na­se eines gro­ßen, schla­fen­den Schweins. Erst nur für klei­ne Auf­ga­ben, aber irgend­wann ist die gan­ze Stadt – alles Nütz­li­che und alles Nutz­lo­se – von dem Strom abhän­gig. Wie lang kann das noch gut gehen?


Best short Audi­ence Award at Kaboom Ani­ma­ti­on Fes­ti­val (Net­her­lands, March 2022)

Trick­star Natu­re Award at Inter­na­tio­na­les Trick­film Fes­ti­val Stutt­gart (Ger­ma­ny, May 2022)

Direc­to­ri­al Debut award at Indy Shorts Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Pre­sen­ted by Heart­land Film (USA, July 2022)

… and many more


2022 Var­ken (Pig)

2017 ‘Flower Found!’ (gra­dua­ti­on ani­ma­ted short)


Jorn Lee­u­wer­ink (19th of July, 1990, Wormer) tells see­mingly sweet fables about serious the­mes, with dark humor and a playful visu­al style. His gra­dua­ti­on short ‘Flower Found!’ was included in the pres­ti­gious Ani­ma­ti­on Show of Shows, sel­ec­ted for 70+ fes­ti­vals (a.o. Anne­cy, Zagreb and Hiro­shi­ma) and won 17 pri­zes. ‘Pig’ marks his pro­fes­sio­nal debut.

Bes­i­des direc­ting ani­ma­ti­on, he co-foun­ded and cura­tes the annu­al Flu­xus Ani­ma­ti­on Festival.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Hex Papa, Hex! 




To be sisters