The Vei­led City 

Nata­lie Cubi­des-Bra­dy | UK 2023 | 13′ | Doku­men­tar­film | Eng­lisch | Köln-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals II

Eine spe­ku­la­ti­ve Stadt­sin­fo­nie, inspi­riert durch Lon­dons Gro­ßen Smog von 1952. Aus Archiv­ma­te­ri­al kon­stru­iert, ent­fal­tet sich die Geschich­te anhand fik­ti­ver Brie­fe aus einer post-apo­ka­lyp­ti­schen Zukunft. THE VEI­LED CITY lädt ein, den Smog im Kon­text unse­rer heu­ti­gen Kli­ma­kri­se zu verstehen.


Ber­li­na­le 2023 (world premiere)

Cur­tas Vila do Con­de, Win­ner — Best Documentary

Sun­dance London

Upp­sa­la Short Film Festival


2019 Bey­ond the North Winds: A Post Nuclear Reverie
2018 After the Silence


Nata­lie Cubi­des-Bra­dy is a film­ma­ker with a visu­al arts back­ground working at the inter­sec­tion of docu­men­ta­ry and fic­tion. The Vei­led City was fun­ded by BFI Doc Socie­ty and had its world pre­mie­re at Ber­li­na­le in 2023. It has gone onto screen at Vien­na Shorts, Sun­dance Lon­don and won Best Docu­men­ta­ry at Cur­tas Vila do Con­de. Her pre­vious short, Bey­ond the North Winds, pre­mie­red at Visi­ons du Reel and was sel­ec­ted for Kar­l­o­vy Vary and Edin­burgh.  She is curr­ent­ly deve­lo­ping her debut feature.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

The Vei­led City 


Les Chen­il­les

The Old Young Crow 

The Dia­mond