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Die Sek­ti­on BEST OF FES­TI­VALS stellt jedes Jahr eine Büh­ne für preis­ge­krön­te High­lights der inter­na­tio­na­len Kurz­film­sze­ne bereit. Fort­wäh­rend wer­den auf klei­nen und gro­ßen Film­fes­ti­vals der gan­zen Welt her­aus­ra­gen­de Kurz­fil­me gezeigt und gekürt, die es im Anschluss schwer haben, im regu­lä­ren Kino­be­trieb ihren Platz zu behaup­ten. In drei Pro­gram­men ver­sam­meln wir hier unse­re Favo­ri­ten aus der aktu­el­len Saison.

Every year, the sec­tion BEST OF FES­TI­VALS pro­vi­des a stage for pri­ze-win­ning high­lights of the inter­na­tio­nal short film sce­ne. Around the glo­be, out­stan­ding short films are shown and award­ed, yet they often strugg­le to find a place in regu­lar cine­ma busi­ness. We gather our favo­ri­tes from the cur­rent sea­son in three programs.

All films not in the Eng­lish lan­guage will be scree­ned with Eng­lish subtitles.

Kura­ti­on: Johan­nes Dun­cker, Chris­to­pher Wienand


INVIN­CI­B­LE: Inter­na­tio­nal Spe­cial Jury Pri­ce: Fes­ti­val du Court-Métra­ge de Cler­mont-Fer­rand 2023
SUD­DEN­LY TV: Grand Pri­ze (Short Film): Indie Lis­boa 2023
A KIND OF TES­TA­MENT: Best First Film: Ani­ma­fest Zagreb 2023
2ND PER­SON: Most Popu­lar Film: Vien­na Shorts 2023
FÁR: Spe­cial Men­ti­on (Short Film): Fes­ti­val de Can­nes 2023


DIENS­TAG, 14.11. · 21:30 Uhr · FILM­HAUS KINO

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MITT­WOCH, 15.11. · 20:00 Uhr · FILM­HAUS ATELIER

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Sud­den­ly TV 

A kind of testament 

2nd Per­son (2ª Pessoa) 



THE VEI­LED CITY: Grand Pri­ce Best Docu­men­ta­ry: Vila de Con­do Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val 2023
27: Pal­me d’Or: Short Film, Fes­ti­val de Can­nes 2023
LES CHEN­IL­LES: Gol­den Bear: Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val 2023
THE OLD YOUNG CROW: Best of the Fes­ti­val: Palm Springs Inter­na­tio­nal Short­Fest 2023
THE DIA­MOND: Public Award (Short Film): Indie Lis­boa 2023


DON­NERS­TAG, 16.11. · 20:00 Uhr · FILM­FO­RUM NRW

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SAMS­TAG, 18.11. · 20:00 Uhr · FILM­HAUS ATELIER

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The Vei­led City 


Les Chen­il­les

The Old Young Crow 

The Dia­mond


45TH PAR­AL­LEL: Best Docu­men­ta­ry Form: Kurz­film­ta­ge Win­ter­thur 2023
WAY BET­TER: Best Ani­ma­ti­on: Palm Springs Inter­na­tio­nal Short­Fest 2023
I HAVE NO LEGS, AND I MUST RUN: Short Film Award: Lon­don Short Film Fest 2023
DIPPED IN BLACK: Sil­ver Bear: Ber­lin Film Fes­ti­val 2023
ICE MER­CHANT: Audi­ence Award: Ani­ma­fest Zagreb 2023


DON­NERS­TAG, 16.11. · 20:00 Uhr · FILM­HAUS ATELIER

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SONN­TAG, 19.11. · 17:00 Uhr · OFF BROAD­WAY

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45th Par­al­lel

Way Bet­ter

I Have No Legs, and I Must Run 

Dipped in black (Marung­ka tjalatjunu) 

Ice Mer­chants

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