And me, I’m dancing too

Moham­mad Valiz­ade­gan | Iran/Deutschland/Tschechien 2023 | 21’ | Spiel­film | Far­si mit eng­li­schen UT

Flie­ßend bewegt sich Sabas Kör­per zu elek­tro­ni­scher Musik. Im Tanz drückt sie sich aus. Aber in ihrer Hei­mat wird ihr das ver­wehrt. Zwi­schen doku­men­ta­ri­scher Form und Insze­nie­rung zeich­net der Film ein bewe­gen­des Por­trät der jun­gen Gene­ra­ti­on in Iran.

Moham­mad Valiz­ade­gan was born in 1986 in Tehr­an is an Ira­ni­an actor, dancer and film­ma­ker. He is a mas­ter degree gra­dua­te in thea­ter direc­ting from the School of Art and Archi­tec­tu­re. While stu­dy­ing , he con­tin­ued his care­er as a dancer and an actor with pro­fes­sio­nal theat­re groups in 2003. Sin­ce then he has been acti­ve in the cine­ma indus­try as an actor inclu­ding the 2020 Gol­den Bear win­ner film “The­re Is No Evil” direc­ted by Moham­mad Rasou­l­of. “And Me, I’m Dancing Too” is his debut expe­ri­ence as a director.

Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

And me, I’m dancing too 

I can see the sun but I can’t feel it yet 

Kel­ly Lee Owens — Melt! 

Let My Body Speak 

La Her­i­da Luminosa