Kel­ly Lee Owens — Melt!

Laneya Bil­lings­ley aka Billie0cean & Clay­ton Vome­ro & Cai­ro Clar­ke | USA 2020 | 3’30″ | Musik­vi­deo | Englisch

Gefüh­le, Wel­ten, Zeit und Raum ver­schmel­zen, wer­den eins. Die Erde wird wie­der gesund. Die Kör­per wer­den wie­der gesund. Der Geist wird wie­der gesund. Die See­len wer­den wie­der gesund. Wiedergeburt.

Laneya Bil­lings­ley aka Billie0cean, is an expe­ri­men­tal film­ma­ker, cura­tor and video­grapher who­se work tra­ver­ses the wet lay­ers of our inter­nal land­scapes, and fix­a­tes on the need for/journey towards heal­ing our inter­nal envi­ron­ments. Her work trans­mu­tes the spi­ri­tu­al and emo­tio­nal into a visu­al sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence. She has shown her con­cep­tu­al video and visu­al art work in gal­le­ries in SF, LA, and NY and has work­ed with musi­ci­ans such as Toro y moi, Spell­ling, and Kel­ly Lee Owens to name a few.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

And me, I’m dancing too 

I can see the sun but I can’t feel it yet 

Kel­ly Lee Owens — Melt! 

Let My Body Speak 

La Her­i­da Luminosa