Ein Stein im Schuh

Eric Mont­chaud | Frank­reich 2021 | 11′30″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge
Kin­der­pro­gramm 8+

Ein Schü­ler betritt sei­ne neue Klas­se. Er ist kein Schü­ler wie die ande­ren – er ist ein Frosch in einer Kaninchenklasse.


Regie: Eric Montchaud
Buch: Eric Montchaud
Pro­duk­ti­on: XBO & Nadasdy


Eric Mont­chaud was in the first class of La Pou­driè­re film school. His 1st film, The Smell of Wet Dog won the Main Pri­ze at Ren­con­tres Audio­vi­su­el­les in Lil­le and the Best Design Pri­ze at the Ani­ma­ted Dreams fes­ti­val in Tal­lin. He work­ed as an ani­ma­tor on pro­jects for TV series, short films, adver­ti­se­ments, clips and ani­ma­ted cer­tain sce­nes for Michel Gondry’s films. He direc­ted Anatole’s Litt­le Sau­ce­pan and won many pri­zes inclu­ding the Public Pri­ze at Anne­cy Festival.

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

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