Forest on Location

Broer­sen & Lukàcs | Nie­der­lan­de 2019 | 10′ | Expe­ri­men­tal­film | Far­si mit eng­li­schen UT | NRW-Premiere

Broer­sen & Lukács doku­men­tier­ten Tei­le des letz­ten Urwalds Euro­pas im pol­ni­schen Biało­wieża – ein vir­tu­el­les Modell einer Wild­nis in Bedro­hung. Der vir­tu­el­le Wald wird zur Kulis­se für den ira­ni­schen Opern­sän­ger Shahr­am Yaz­da­ni und sei­ne Ver­si­on von »Natu­re Boy«.


Regie: Broer­sen & Lukàcs
Musik: Shahr­am Yazdani
Ton: Ber­end Dub­be & GT Thomas


Mar­git Lukács and Per­si­jn Broer­sen are artists based in Ams­ter­dam. With a ple­tho­ra of tech­no­lo­gy that unce­a­sing­ly quo­tes, refe­ren­ces, embeds and re-tweets, the way sto­ries are told has pro­found­ly chan­ged. Much of Broer­sen and Lukacs’ prac­ti­ce is infor­med by the­se ques­ti­ons, deep­ly roo­ted in their inte­rest in the poli­tics of depic­ting natu­re from poli­ti­cal, mytho­lo­gi­cal, (art)historical and fil­mic sources.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Kiss the Sky – Eye Trick the I

Kiss the Sky – Eye Trick the I 

Estab­li­shing Eden

Estab­li­shing Eden 

Forest on Location

Forest on Location 

Night Soil — Eco­no­my of Love

Night Soil — Eco­no­my of Love