Kiss the Sky – Eye Trick the I

Don­na Ver­heij­den | Kolumbien/Niederlande 2019 | 18′30″ | Video-Essay | Eng­lisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Deutschlandpremiere

Don­na Ver­heij­dens kalei­do­sko­pi­scher Video-Essay erkun­det die (Un-)Wirklichkeit von Abbil­dun­gen. Das Voice­over befragt fil­ter­ge­tränk­te Insta­gram-Posts und kommt bedeu­tungs­schwer ins Kalau­ern. Wie soll man leben im post-pri­va­ten Zeitalter?


Regie: Don­na Verheijden
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Don­na Ver­heij­den, Jean Coun­et, Bram van Leeuwenstein
Mon­ta­ge: Don­na Verheijden
Ton: Her­man Gold


 Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val Rotterdam
Into The Gre­at Wide Open Festival
Fes­ti­val Path
Visi­te Film Festival


2021 Micro­ver­se
2016 Land of Desi­re – Hap­py is the New Black
2013 All the World’s a Stage – Ways of See­ing 2013


Don­na Ver­heij­den is a gra­phic desi­gner and video­grapher. As a con­tem­po­ra­ry image maker, Don­na sees it as her respon­si­bi­li­ty to ana­ly­se and cri­ti­cise today’s appa­rent or staged rea­li­ties. Her main rese­arch focu­ses on mass and social media, its seduc­tions and under­ly­ing power struc­tures. Ver­heij­den tea­ches Time Based Media at ArtEZ Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts, Arn­hem [NL].

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Kiss the Sky – Eye Trick the I

Kiss the Sky – Eye Trick the I 

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Estab­li­shing Eden 

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