In the Mist

Tung-Yen Chou | Tai­wan 2020 | 15′ | Expe­ri­men­tal­film ohne Dia­lo­ge | NRW-Premiere
Vir­tu­al Reality

Lau­ter ver­schwom­me­ne Män­ner­fi­gu­ren in einem schumm­ri­gen Raum vol­ler Nebel und Dampf, ein­sam und voll Ver­lan­gen. Man fühlt sich wie in einer ver­bo­te­nen Zone, in einem Zustand zwi­schen Traum und Wachen, ande­re beob­ach­tend und zugleich von ihnen beobachtet.


Mon­ta­ge: Chia-Wen Huang
Musik: Hai-Ting Liao
Ton: Chin-Lun Kao
Pro­duk­ti­on: Very Theat­re, Kaoh­si­ung Film Archi­ve, Funique


78th Venice Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val Venice VR Expanded
Fes­ti­val du Nou­veau Ciné­ma de Mon­tré­al — Pan­ora­ma VR Prize
Gen­e­va Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival
DOK Neu­land Leipzig


2021 Kiss
2016 Loo­king for?
2015 My Lef­to­ver Ladies


Chou Tung-Yen is a theat­re direc­tor and a film­ma­ker. His main focus is on recon­ci­ling new media and theat­re, with occa­sio­nal invol­vement in video art, docu­men­ta­ry, and music video. His VR film “In the Mist” was sel­ec­ted for the 78th Venice Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, and his docu­men­ta­ry “Loo­king For?” was nomi­na­ted for the Gol­den Hor­se Awards, and scree­ned in Seat­tle Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, Out­fest L.A. and NewFest.



Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Lock­down Dream­scape VR 

They Dream in My Bones – Insem­no­pe­dy II 

On the Mor­ning You Wake (To the End of the World) 

In the Mist