Limu­zi­nas (Limou­si­ne)

Saulė Bli­uvai­tė | Litau­en 2021 | 15′ | Doku­men­tar­film | Litau­isch mit eng­li­schen UT | Köln-Premiere

Grup­pen ver­schie­de­ner Gene­ra­tio­nen mie­ten für je eine Stun­de eine Limou­si­ne. Sie wol­len ein gro­ßes Ereig­nis fei­ern oder ein­fach Par­ty machen. Doch sie ver­stri­cken sich in per­sön­li­chen Kon­flik­ten und bemü­hen sich, die kur­ze Zeit so gut es geht zu genießen.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Vytau­tas Plukas
Mon­ta­ge: Saulė Bli­uvai­tė, Ignė Narbutaitė
Musik: Erne­s­tas Kaušylas
Ton: Ive­ta Macevičiūtė
Pro­duk­ti­on: Gie­d­re Buro­ka­i­te, Kris­ti­na Raman­aus­kai­te | Magic Films


War­saw Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val, PL, Best short documentary
New Direc­tors — New Films, US
goE­AST, Germany


2018 The Con­test, short fiction
2017 Yana, short fiction
2017 At Least I am not Alo­ne, short fiction
2016 Life is beau­tiful and neve­r­en­ding, short fiction


Born in 1994, film direc­tor and screen­wri­ter Saulė Bli­uvai­tė gra­dua­ted from the Lithua­ni­an Aca­de­my of Music and Theat­re Film Direc­ting pro­gram in 2018. During her time in the Aca­de­my, Saulė made four short films that were scree­ned at various film fes­ti­vals in Lithua­nia and abroad. Her latest short docu­men­ta­ry ‘Limou­si­ne’ pre­mie­red at New Directors/New Films Fes­ti­val 2021, orga­ni­zed by Muse­um of Modern Art (MoMA) and Film Socie­ty of Lin­coln Cen­ter in the New York City.



Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Sta­ging Death 


Manch­mal weiß ich nicht wo die Sonne 

Limu­zi­nas (Limou­si­ne)

Steck­brief Natur — Fol­ge 2 und 3 

Ter­ri­fy­ing Holes Compilation