On Xer­xes’ Throne 

Evi Kalo­gi­ro­pou­lou | Grie­chen­land 2022 | 16′ | Spiel­film | Köln-Premiere
Shorts on Wheels 

Ein Berüh­rungs­ver­bot im Hafen von Pera­ma hat jeden mensch­li­chen Kon­takt in eine Simu­la­ti­on ver­wan­delt und den Hafen in eine auf­ge­la­de­ne Land­schaft voll unter­drück­ter Begier­den. Von hier soll Per­ser­kö­nig Xer­xes auf sei­nem Thron die ver­nich­ten­de Nie­der­la­ge sei­ner Flot­te beob­ach­tet haben.


Can­nes Semaine de la Cri­tique, France (18 — 26 May, 2022) Short Film Com­pe­ti­ti­on / Won: CANAL+ Award for Short Film

Con­cor­to Film Fes­ti­val, Ita­ly (20 — 27 August, 2022) Com­pe­ti­ti­on / Won: Spe­cial Jury Prize

Dra­ma Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val, Greece (5 — 11 Sep­tem­ber, 2022) Natio­nal Com­pe­ti­ti­on & Inter­na­tio­nal Com­pe­ti­ti­on / Won: Spe­cial Jury Award

Kine­mastik Inter­na­tio­nal Short Film Fes­ti­val, Mal­ta (29 – 31 July, 2022) Com­pe­ti­ti­on / Won: Gold Dot for Best Film


Evi Kalo­gi­ro­pou­lou is a film direc­tor and visu­al artist working in Athens and Lon­don. She has a Mas­ters from the Roy­al Col­lege of Art in Moving Image. Her pro­jects explo­re ide­as asso­cia­ted with inclusion/exclusion, cross-cul­tu­re iden­ti­ty, fema­le figu­res in Anci­ent Greek mytho­lo­gy frames, and post-apo­ca­lyp­tic envi­ron­ments. She is curr­ent­ly deve­lo­ping her debut fea­ture Cora, (Eurimages Deve­lo­p­ment Award, Cinemart 2021, ARTE Award at Até­lier Ciné­fon­da­ti­on in Can­nes 2021.)


Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

On Xer­xes’ Throne 

Nun or Never 

Will You Look at Me 

It is quiet here. (ПОКИ ТУТ ТИХО) 

Via Dolo­ro­sa