One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean

Wang Yuyan | Frank­reich 2021 | 11′30″ | Expe­ri­men­tal­film ohne Dia­lo­ge | Köln-Premiere
New Aes­the­tic I

»One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Oce­an« zeigt uns wie es ist, die Welt nur ohne Tie­fe wahr­neh­men zu kön­nen. Zusam­men­ge­setzt aus Frag­men­ten des Gen­res »satis­fy­ing video«, ent­wi­ckelt das abs­trak­te Nar­ra­tiv einen Rhyth­mus mit Bezug auf trance und mini­mal music. Es geht um das Ver­lan­gen nach grund­lo­sen Wel­len, gemischt mit dem uner­bitt­li­chen Ver­fall unse­rer heu­ti­gen Informationsgesellschaft.


Regie: Wang Yuyan
Mon­ta­ge: Wang Yuyan
Ton: Raphaël Hénard
Pro­duk­ti­on: Le Fres­noy: Luc-Jérô­me Bailleul


Ber­li­na­le Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival
Glas­gow Short Film Festival
Gua­na­jua­to Inter­na­tio­nal Film Festival
25FPS Inter­na­tio­nal Expe­ri­men­tal Film Festival


2019 All move­ments should kill the wind


Wang Yuyan (b. 1989, Chi­na) is a film­ma­ker and mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry artist living in Paris. She gra­dua­ted from Le Fres­noy — Natio­nal Stu­dio of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Arts in 2020 and Beaux-Arts of Paris in 2016. She takes inspi­ra­ti­on from the end­less media pro­duc­tion under­pin­ned by indus­tri­al pro­duc­ti­vi­ty. Her works oscil­la­te bet­ween film and instal­la­ti­on, often in an immersi­ve per­spec­ti­ve with a dis­in­te­gra­ting abs­trac­tion process.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean

One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean 

In Vitro

In Vitro



Poro­si­ty Val­ley 2: Tricks­ters’ Plot

Poro­si­ty Val­ley 2: Tricks­ters’ Plot