
Jona­tan Schwenk | Deutsch­land 2022 | 4′30″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dialoge
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb IV

Klei­ne glit­zern­de Tie­re sind brüns­tig. Ein zwei­bei­ni­ger Wald­be­woh­ner begeg­net der lüs­ter­nen Grup­pe. Er und sei­ne Beglei­ter naschen von den klei­nen Wesen, und bald beginnt ein Festmahl.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Jona­tan Schwenk
Mon­ta­ge: Jona­tan Schwenk
Musik: David Kamp
Ton: David Kamp
Pro­duk­ti­on: Jona­tan Schwenk


2009 Sisy­phos Blues
2011 Mai­son Sonore
2017 Sog


Jona­tan Schwenk, born in Ger­ma­ny in 1987, is an inde­pen­dent filmmaker/animator, sound desi­gner, and sto­ry­board artist curr­ent­ly based in Ber­lin. As a gra­dua­te from Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design in Offen­bach and
for­mer guest stu­dent from Kunst­hoch­schu­le Kas­sel, he focu­ses on com­bi­ning various ani­ma­ti­on tech­ni­ques into hybrid forms. His ani­ma­ted short “Sog“ recei­ved near­ly 40 awards and men­ti­ons (inclu­ding the Anne­cy Cris­tal for a gra­dua­ti­on film) and has been scree­ned at renow­ned film fes­ti­vals around the world, including
SXSW, Palm Springs Short­Fest, Anne­cy, Otta­wa, Zagreb and Fli­cker­fest, whe­re it qua­li­fied for the Aca­de­my Awards. As an ani­ma­tor and sound desi­gner, his work has alre­a­dy been sel­ec­ted twice for the Ber­li­na­le, whe­re he was cho­sen as a “Ber­li­na­le Talent” in 2020. Schwenk also con­tri­bu­ted the sound design for “Cops
& Rob­bers”, direc­ted by Flo­ri­an Mau­bach, which won the Ger­man Short Film Award in 2018, as well as for “Rules of Play” by Mer­lin Flü­gel, which recei­ved a Cris­tal at Anne­cy in 2019.


Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Die Hüter des Unrats 

Pri­mer Paquete para Honduras 

