Will My Par­ents Come to See Me?

Mo Hara­we Somalia/Österreich/Deutschland 2022 | 30′ | Spiel­film | Soma­li mit eng­li­schen UT
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb III

Eine erfah­re­ne soma­li­sche Poli­zis­tin beglei­tet wie­der ein­mal einen jun­gen Häft­ling durch die Müh­len der soma­li­schen Justiz.


Bild­ge­stal­tung: Ste­ven Samy
Mon­ta­ge: Alex­an­der von Piechowski
Ton: Moha­med Abdinur Isse
Pro­duk­ti­on: Mo Hara­we, Alex­an­der von Piech­ow­ski, Nuux Muuse Bir­jeeb, Ahmed Farah


2020 Life on the Horn (25 min)
2019 1947 (23 min)
2018 he sto­ry of the polar bear that went to Afri­ca (28 min)
2016 One last moment (7 min)


Mo Hara­we was born in Moga­dis­hu. He dis­co­ver­ed his pas­si­on for the cine­ma through an art school in Soma­lia. Sin­ce 2009 Mo Hara­we has been in Aus­tria whe­re his jour­ney as a film­ma­ker began.  In 2019 he won the BKA Start­sti­pen­di­um for his new fea­ture film “The vil­la­ge next to Para­di­se” that he is now developing.



Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Dear Osman


Will My Par­ents Come to See Me? 

Blau­es Rauschen