2nd Per­son (2ª Pessoa)

Rita Bar­bo­sa | Por­tu­gal 2022 | 16′ | Spiel­film | Por­tu­gie­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Deutschlandpremiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals I


Ein altes Rohr bricht, das Was­ser läuft in die Decke. Gif­ti­ge Pil­ze namens Poly­po­ra­les begin­nen zu wach­sen. Die Dame des Hau­ses sitzt auf dem Klo und schaut nach oben, zu den magi­schen, mys­te­riö­sen Pil­zen, nicht Tier, nicht Pflan­ze. Pil­ze sind die Zukunft, denkt sie.


1979. Gra­dua­ted in Digi­tal Arts, in Sound and Image Cour­se, by the School of Arts of UCP (2002). She com­ple­ted her trai­ning with cour­ses and work­shops such as the Maine Media Work­shops Pho­to­gra­phy Manage­ment Work­shop. She wro­te and per­for­med her first short film FRI­ENDS AFTER DARK [2016], that had it inter­na­tio­nal pre­mie­re at the 69th Locar­no Film Fes­ti­val, and was scree­ned at film fes­ti­vals such as Cur­tas de Vila do Con­de, Már­ge­nes, Cur­tas de Verin, SACO — Ovie­do Con­tem­po­ra­ry Audio­vi­su­al Week.


Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Sud­den­ly TV 

A kind of testament 

2nd Per­son (2ª Pessoa) 
