
Vin­cent René-Lor­tie | Kana­da 2022 | 30′ | Spiel­film | Fran­zö­sisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Deutschlandpremiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals I

Nach einer wah­ren Bege­ben­heit erzählt INVIN­CI­B­LE die letz­ten 48 Stun­den im Leben von Marc-Antoine Ber­nier, einem 14-jäh­ri­gen Jun­gen auf der ver­zwei­fel­ten Suche nach Freiheit.


Vin­cent René-Lor­tie is a Cana­di­an film direc­tor and screen­wri­ter known for his groun­ded, dream­li­ke nar­ra­ti­ves. His work is a tes­ta­ment to pur­po­seful and deep­ly per­so­nal sto­rytel­ling, inten­ded to make his audi­ence reflect on the­mes such as men­tal health and child­hood. He is a gra­dua­te of Montreal’s Mel Hop­pen­heim School of Cine­ma, and is a mem­ber of the Young Guns ’20 class, an award cerem­o­ny dedi­ca­ted to crea­ti­ves under 30 from across the globe.


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Sud­den­ly TV 

A kind of testament 

2nd Per­son (2ª Pessoa) 
