A kind of testament 

Ste­phen Vuil­l­emin | Frank­reich 2023 | 16′30″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film | Köln-Premiere
Best of Fes­ti­vals I

Eine jun­ge Frau stößt online auf Ani­ma­tio­nen, die ein­deu­tig aus ihren pri­va­ten Sel­fies gemacht sind. Eine unbe­kann­te Frau glei­chen Namens gesteht den Betrug. Doch der Tod ist schnel­ler als die Fra­ge: »War­um?«


S. Vuil­l­emin, born in 1986 in Besan­çon, is an ani­ma­ti­on direc­tor, comics aut­hor, and illus­tra­tor. His 2011 web-comic Lycé­en­nes was bran­ded “a novel use of ani­ma­ted gifs” by Car­toon brew and told the sto­ry of a girl get­ting sick after a dog licked her ear. Bet­ween 2016 and 2022, Vuil­l­emin dedi­ca­ted his time to crea­ting his first ani­ma­ti­on short film, A Kind Of Tes­ta­ment, first by hims­elf and then with the sup­port of pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny Remembers.


Kon­takt & Links

Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm


Sud­den­ly TV 

A kind of testament 

2nd Per­son (2ª Pessoa) 
