Clean with Me (After Dark)

Gabrie­le Stem­mer | Frank­reich 2019 | 21′ | Doku­men­tar­film | Eng­lisch mit eng­li­schen UT | Deutschland-Premiere
New Aes­the­tic I

Auf You­Tube fil­men sich hun­der­te von Frau­en, wie sie ihre Woh­nun­gen putzen.


Mon­ta­ge: Gabri­el­le Stemmer
Ton: Emma Zimny
Pro­duk­ti­on: Eliott Khayat


Cler­mont Film Fes­ti­val (Spe­cial Jury Pri­ze)
Lil­le Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val (2nd Natio­nal Pri­ze)
Cil­ect Pri­ze 2020
Con­cor­to Film Fes­ti­val (Young Jury Award)


The Test, 2020


After a master’s degree in lite­ra­tu­re, Gabri­el­le Stem­mer stu­di­ed the art of editing at la Fémis. She cho­se to take advan­ta­ge of her stran­ge addic­tion to Clean With Me vide­os in order to com­po­se her gra­dua­ti­on film.



Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

My Gene­ra­ti­on

My Gene­ra­ti­on

How to disappear

How to disappear 

Homo Eco­no­mic­us: I, II, III

Homo Eco­no­mic­us: I, II, III 

Clean with Me (After Dark)

Clean with Me (After Dark) 

Alo­ne Together

Alo­ne Together