Trans­for­mers the Premake

Kevin B. Lee | USA 2014, 25′, Video-Essay, Eng­lisch ohne UT

Der ers­te »Desk­top-Doku­men­tar­film« ver­wan­delt 355 You­Tube-Vide­os in eine kri­ti­sche Recher­che der welt­wei­ten Big-Bud­get-Film­in­dus­trie, der Ama­teur­film­sze­ne und der poli­ti­schen Öko­no­mie der Bilder.





Kevin B. Lee is a film­ma­ker, media artist, and cri­tic. He has pro­du­ced over 360 video essays explo­ring film and media. His award-win­ning Trans­for­mers: The Pre­make intro­du­ced the “desk­top docu­men­ta­ry” for­mat and was named one of the best docu­men­ta­ries of 2014 by Sight & Sound. Through Bot­t­led Songs, his col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve pro­ject with Chloé Gali­bert-Laî­né, he was award­ed the 2018 Sun­dance Insti­tu­te Art of Non­fic­tion Grant, the 2018 Euro­pean Media Artist Plat­form Resi­den­cy, and the 2019 Eurimages Lab Pro­ject Award at Kar­l­o­vy Vary Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val. He is curr­ent­ly Pro­fes­sor of Cross­me­dia Publi­shing at Merz Aka­de­mie, Stutt­gart. Begin­ning in 2022 he will be the Locar­no Film Fes­ti­val Pro­fes­sor for the Future of Cine­ma and the Audio­vi­su­al Arts at Uni­ver­si­tà del­la Svi­z­zera ita­lia­na (USI).


Kon­takt & Links


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