
Bian­ca Cade­ras | Deutsch­land 2020 | 7′30″ | Ani­ma­ti­ons­film ohne Dia­lo­ge | Köln-Pre­mie­re
Deut­scher Wett­be­werb VI

Whe­ther in bars, at house par­ties, or roman­tic din­ners, the peo­p­le in Jero­boam are rai­sing their cham­pa­gne-fil­led glas­ses. Howe­ver, they all seem indif­fe­rent to the cruel­ty neces­sa­ry to give their favou­ri­te bevera­ge its signa­tu­re fizz. All but Hel­ga, who has a plan to stop the inju­s­ti­ce. Then her date arri­ves at her apart­ment. After uncor­king the first bot­t­le, Hel­ga reve­als her secret sche­me to the guest, not kno­wing if this will jeo­par­di­se their relationship.


Regie: Bian­ca Caderas
Bild­ge­stal­tung: Bian­ca Caderas
Mon­ta­ge: Bian­ca Caderas
Musik: Jascha Dormann
Ton: Jascha Dormann
Pro­duk­ti­on: Hoch­schu­le für bil­den­de Küns­te Hamburg


Best Ani­ma­ted Stu­dent Film Award, Flip­book Film Festival
Swiss Com­pe­ti­ti­on, Fan­to­che Fes­ti­val, Switzerland
Stu­dent Com­pe­ti­ti­on, Ima­gi­na­ria Inter­na­tio­nal Ani­ma­ted Film Fes­ti­val, Italy
Tri­cky Women , Vien­na, Austria


2017 Living Like Heta (Co-Regie Kers­tin Zemp, Isa­bel­la Luu)
2016 i hope you step on a lego*******
2019 you wipe your lips, I do too


Born in 1990 in Switz­er­land, Bian­ca Cade­ras star­ted off her fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on with beco­ming a hair­dress­er. In 2014 she star­ted stu­dy­ing 2D ani­ma­ti­on at HSLU (Lucer­ne). Her gra­dua­ti­on short film Living Like Heta (co-direc­ted by Kers­tin Zemp and Isa­bel­la Luu) was award­ed the High Swiss Risk Award at Fan­to­che 2017 and was scree­ned at numou­rous fes­ti­vals inclu­ding SHORTS­HORTS (Tokyo), Ani­ma­fest (Zagreb) and War­saw Film Fes­ti­val. Bian­ca moved to Ham­burg in 2018 and star­ted stu­dy­ing Film at HFBK.

Kon­takt & Links


Alle Fil­me in die­sem Programm

Micha­el Iron­side and I

Micha­el Iron­side and I 





Lana Kai­ser

Lana Kai­ser

